“Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but desire fulfilled is a tree of life.” (Proverbs 13:12)
A significant percent of the women who come to us have experienced an abortion that caused them deep sorrow and regret. Pregnancy is the ultimate hope for the future— a new life growing inside a woman is her future. When a woman has an abortion, she sometimes experiences initial relief that the “problem is solved” but later experiences heartache and regret. The birth of a baby — instinctively a woman’s natural, God-given desire — is a tree of life. A survey done by Be’ad Chaim several years ago indicated that 43% of women who had an abortion said that it was very traumatic, 25% suffered from depression afterwards and 35% would have chosen life for their baby if they could turn back time. The goal at Be’ad Chaim is to empower women to choose life and to heal grieving, regretful hearts. In this newsletter, we share the stories of those who have found desire fulfilled to be a tree of life.
The door and windows in the Eilat office have been covered with bright, bold stickers sharing all of our information with passersby to let women in crisis know that we are HERE TO HELP! Thanks for your prayers for growth and success in this southernmost city.
Thank you for your prayers for baby boy Brion who underwent surgery on his eyes. Brion’s eyes are totally fine and his vision is terrific. His parents continue to grow in their newfound relationship with the living God.
At the Gardens of Life, we are privileged to honor and remember babies whose lives were lost through miscarriage, stillbirth, or abortion. Many prayers, tears, and hugs have contributed to the holy atmosphere in our Gardens. We don’t label the trees because, while almost all of them thrive, here and there one will not. I don’t encourage those who plant to focus on a specific tree. My hope is that the act of planting a tree in the child’s honor will serve as a marker along the road of healing and that they may embrace all of the trees as theirs.
I borrow this idea from The Little Prince by Saint-Exupery. Nearing his departure the Little Prince comforts the Pilot, saying, “When you look at the stars at night, since I shall be living on one of them and laughing, for you it will be as if all the stars were laughing.”
Beyond welcoming people to plant a tree personally, we are privileged to plant trees and pray for families in other countries who ask us to plant in their stead. I depend on the Holy Spirit to guide the prayers, the notes, and any scriptures I send to the families. Here are a few responses I've received:
“I was so incredibly touched to receive your email! Thank you so much for the beautiful work that you all are doing. I'm so touched that you remember my name from 2021. Our first daughter was stillborn, and friends of ours planted a tree in her honor. Of all of the amazing acts of kindness and friendship during that incredibly difficult season, the tree stands out so clearly for me. We went on to have a second daughter, who is full of life! She brings us so much joy.”
“Thank you so much for your prayers and for remembering all of us and our sweet babies. It means more than words could ever express, and has brought so much comfort to know that we are not the only ones that remember them. Thank you so much for sending the photos of the tree planting, too.”
“Thank you for your gracious, supportive, God-honoring words. My thoughts are transported to that dear little tree, planted in God's soil. The key was turned and the door was opened. SO grateful.”
Be’ad Chaim offers all who have lost a baby to plant a tree or ask us to plant in their proxy. Contact us at info@beadchaim.org.il for more information. We also offer all local women counseling after the loss of a baby through our caring counselors.
Valerie, eighteen years old, left her difficult home at a young age and moved in with her boyfriend who was very abusive towards her. She found herself in an unplanned pregnancy. Valerie was confused and considered abortion multiple times. After a very violent incident with her boyfriend, she returned to live with her parents, but doesn’t feel safe there. She is recognized by social services as a "high-risk teenager" and is receiving training and supervision from another non-profit working in conjunction with Be’ad Chaim. She has experienced difficult situations at home, but her mental state does not allow her to live independently. It was Valerie’s social worker who asked us to help her. In October, she gave birth to her first-born son, Ram. She has no contact with the baby's father after multiple violent incidents, including the most recent one.
Despite Valerie’s difficult situation, the support from her counselor, the practical help from Be’ad Chaim, the care from her social worker and the guidance from the other non-profit are giving her the tools to be a good and loving mother to Ram. Our wonderful local counselor is in touch with her regularly for encouragement and support. Be’ad Chaim provides all of her baby’s basic needs through our Operation Moses Project, including the bed, stroller, bath tub, bed sheets, monthly gift cards and extra supplies from our office in her city. Please keep Valerie’s living situation in your prayers because her father is an alcoholic and her brother is mentally unstable. She was spared the pain and disappointment that come from abortion and allowed to choose life for her son whom she loves deeply.
Annabelle, thirty years old, is a divorced mom and had one young daughter. She suffers from the chronic disease of multiple sclerosis. Several years ago, she had a chemical abortion and she has suffered from depression and an eating disorder as a result of the grief.
She had only recently begun a romantic relationship when she discovered that she was pregnant. At first her partner was supportive, but when she was twenty-four weeks pregnant, he changed his mind and they began to fight and argue. He tried to persuade her to abort, and when she refused, he left her.
Annabelle was heartbroken and afraid. Finding our hotline on the internet, she called for information on how to get a late term abortion. She was under a great deal of pressure and didn’t believe that she could handle a new baby. After several conversations with our counselor, she took some time to reconsider, and in the end, she decided to continue the pregnancy, especially encouraged by our promise of emotional and practical support.
Everything went smoothly during her pregnancy even though it was considered to be “high risk.” In late December, she gave birth to her son Or Meir, which means “shining light.” Annabelle feels that he has indeed brought light into her life. After the darkness caused by the abortion, the light that shines through her new son is a welcome joy.
Adel, just fifteen years old, didn’t know that she was expecting a baby until the end of her eighth month of pregnancy! Her mother says that when she found out, she felt like the sky had fallen in on her. She felt her daughter’s life had been ruined, and it was really hard for her to accept what had happened. However, they were already very close to the birth, and there was nothing left to do but to accept it. In October, Adel gave birth to her daughter Ariya. Since the birth, Adel’s mother has been pleasantly surprised because Adel is simply an amazing mother. She didn't expect this and thought she wouldn't manage to be responsible for a tiny baby, but she seems to be doing great. Adel has now returned to school, while her mother takes care of baby Ariya. Adel's boyfriend is also only fifteen years old and is still at school. He visits often and loves Adel and their daughter very much. Adel came to Be’ad Chaim through her social worker who reached out to our counselor, asking if we could help with furniture and support for the family before the unexpected birth. Adel and her mom were delighted and grateful for the new baby furniture and for monthly gift cards to cover the costs of diapers, formula, pacifiers and other baby products.
Abigail and her boyfriend, both soldiers, decided to move into an apartment together, but when they discovered that she was pregnant with twins, her boyfriend panicked and left her.
Abigail bravely decided to continue the pregnancy anyway, and her family said they would help her. She then heard from a friend that Be’ad Chaim might be willing to help her. She was considered to be high risk because she has a chronic health issue. Our counselor lovingly walked through the pregnancy with Abigail.
As the months passed, all the tests were normal, and she waited impatiently for the babies to be born. In late November, the baby boys were born, but sadly one of the babies didn’t survive, and the other one was very small. She named her baby boy Elia.
To help her with the loss of her baby, the hospital assigned Abigail a psychologist and a psychiatrist. However, she didn’t want to talk to anyone and moved back home with her parents. Beyond the furniture and gift cards provided through the Operation Moses Project, Be’ad Chaim is giving Abigail extra support for Elia by paying for a special, expensive formula. We appreciate your prayers that God will heal her of the grief from the loss of the baby and enable her to enjoy her little Elia.
Plant a tree and find healing after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, abortion or SIDS - and find comfort, closure, and restoration.
Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.
Provide women with clothing and certain baby items for a full year. Help lessen the financial pressure of buying it all on their own.