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September 2024 Newsletter

Sep 01, 2024 • By Sandy Shoshani

“Therefore, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness, and patience.”

Colossians 3:12

Where there is much fear and suffering, one must show extraordinary kindness. Be’ad Chaim’s team strives to clothe ourselves with compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience. These garments enable us to show God’s love to the hurting, fearful women whom we serve. No act of kindness is ever wasted. Kindness can turn hard hearts to flesh and empower women to have mercy on their babies in the womb. In our offices, we see many families who struggle to survive and keep themselves from despair. This month, I’ll share with you some special acts of compassion that have made an impact on those touched. Thank you for your compassion as you partner with us. “Blessed are you as you show mercy, for you shall be shown mercy” (Matthew 5:7).


Every Monday morning, we send prayer letters around the world. Special, intense prayers have been highlighted for:

  • Or, the eighteen-year-old son of mother Shelly, whom we helped with her baby several years ago. Or is in critical condition suffering from a malignant brain tumor which has caused blindness.
  • Since his birth, we have been praying for Daniel, son of Muwaret, who was born with cataracts and has already had surgery several times on his eyes.
  • Fervent prayers have been made for Muhammed, son of Jamal, who was born with Bartter’s Syndrome which is life threatening.

All of these families have received extra financial support, love and prayers. These are just a few examples of the hundreds of families whom we are currently supporting and showering with love.

Esther and Baby Boy Itay

Our counselor Miriam shared her joy about a new baby:

Esther was only nineteen years old and did not want a baby at all. She was absolutely determined to have an abortion. Her boyfriend and his family wanted her to have an abortion. We spoke for nineteen hours in total until she decided to choose life for her baby!!!! It’s so exciting and emotional for me to see her little boy Itay.



Through the generosity and partnership of several other nonprofits, we were able to distribute gorgeous stuffed animals across the country, including to evacuees in hotels, sick children in hospitals, handicapped children in kindergartens and, of course, our Be’ad Chaim moms. School backpacks were given out to over five hundred children of our mothers in our various centers. The smiles on the faces of the children as they received these gifts of love are all the reward that we could want.

Michal, Mother of Osher

Our counselor Rose wrote this letter of encouragement to the other counselors:

“I just had a very emotional visit with mother Michal and her sweet son Osher who was born just two weeks ago. We prayed so much for her and this little boy! Thanks to God that they are able to live with the parents of Ilan [the baby's father]. It’s hard to believe that his parents didn’t want to accept her or the baby just months ago. Hallelujah! Thanks for your continuing prayers for them. Michal still has no legal status here. She’s lived in several boarding schools for troubled teens. Her life up to now has not been stable, but she grew up in the environment of believers going to Messianic camps and conferences. She has heard the Gospel. We pray for her to return to her faith and see how faithful God is to her, that He will never give up on her. Even in the boarding school, her social worker was a believer.”

As I read Rose’s letter, I couldn’t help but think of the father of the prodigal son who “ran to meet his son when he saw him at a distance” (Luke 15). God’s love pursues the brokenhearted.


Volunteer, Wen, had asked if she and her teenage daughter could help out brand new mothers. They were able to be there for mother Liat after the birth of her new baby by first visiting her in the hospital and then helping her at home after her Caesarian section. Liat is a single mother with a five year old and found Wen’s help vital when she came home after surgery.

They visited a couple of other mothers, including precious Weyni, forty-two years old, who has six children and had recently given birth to her newest son Mattheus. They took her children for walks, bought them simple gifts like a small toy car for the son, card games, a bunch of flowers and a box of cookies. Wen shared that the children helped them clean the house and were polite, grateful and helpful. Weyni insisted on making a special Ethiopian meal to bless her guests. In the photo, Weyni is serving bunna, special Ethiopian coffee to her guests.

Iris & Baby Girl Agam

Iris, thirty-four years old, and her husband Zvi didn’t want to have children and had already had two abortions. After the second abortion the doctors told Iris that she had a medical condition which would make it hard for her to get pregnant again, so she decided to remove the IUD. Soon after, she became pregnant, but she still was not sure that she wanted to have a baby, and neither was her husband. Thankfully, they heard about Be’ad Chaim and made contact with us for advice. After several conversations with one of our wonderful counselors, they both began to accept the idea of becoming parents. The pregnancy went smoothly, but in the middle of the pregnancy, the war broke out. Iris and Zvi live in close proximity to Gaza. They frequently had to run to the bomb shelter as rockets hit their town. Iris was afraid for her life and for her unborn baby. When the shooting died down enough for them to leave their apartment, they quickly evacuated. A month before the birth, they were able to return to their apartment in Kiryat Gat. In March, Iris gave birth to an exquisite daughter whom they chose to name Agam, which means “lake” and symbolizes for them quiet, peaceful water. Iris admits that being a mother isn’t easy, as it’s a big responsibility, but she is so happy that she turned to us for advice, made the right decision and chose life for her baby. She is still suffering from the trauma of the war, but she is getting treatment for anxiety from a psychiatrist.

Iris writes: “Making the decision to give birth to Agam was very hard because I was so full of fear about being a mother. When I spoke to the counselor and found a listening ear and a wonderful, caring counselor, I decided to continue the journey and bring the baby into the world. I wish to thank the donor and the organization from the bottom of my heart for giving help so lovingly and humbly to anyone who needs it.”

Helping Sisters - Eleanor & Baby Girl Dorine

In 2014, we received a desperate call for help from the school counselor of a fifteen-year-old student living in a boarding school. Eden was pregnant and did not want to abort but was being pushed to abort by the adults around her. Be’ad Chaim took responsibility for her, housing her and financially supporting her until her eighteenth birthday. Her son, Eliel, was born the day before her sixteenth birthday. As a result of our close relationship with Eden, we had met many of her sisters. Now, ten years later, her sister Eleanor turned to us for help. Eleanor is hearing impaired and cannot read or write. She, too, had grown up in boarding schools since the age of six. Eleanor was abused in the boarding school. At the age of sixteen, she became pregnant and had an abortion. Today, more than ten years later, Eleanor married and had a baby who is four years old and on the autistic spectrum. He is still in diapers and does not speak. While she was still with her husband, she became pregnant again, but after experiencing verbal and physical violence from him, she decided to get a divorce. Eleanor thought that having an abortion was her best option, as she didn't know how she would manage. Life was hard enough. Thankfully, her sister Eden encouraged her to phone us. Being pregnant during the war was difficult, as she had no support from the family. She had to deal with her son alone when sirens were sounding, picking him up in her arms while trying to run to the bomb shelter. She suffered greatly from anxiety during this time. When it was time to give birth to her daughter Dorine, she asked Eden to watch her son. Eleanor, through our Operation Moses Project, has received all of the basic baby needs, including a baby bed complete with sheets and bumpers, a stroller and a bath. She was so delighted and grateful for all this. Now she is receiving a gift card once a month to cover the costs of diapers, formula, pacifiers and other baby products. It makes an enormous difference to her to know that she will not have to worry about this. Her ex-husband is not interested in helping, but Be’ad Chaim counselors have shown her mercy, love and compassion, for which she is deeply grateful. It is a joy to know that little Dorine was given the opportunity for life as a result of our love for her auntie Eden years ago.


One of the greatest privileges of Be’ad Chaim is to encourage and facilitate families who have lost a baby to abortion, miscarriage or still birth. Here is a short note to a friend who referred to us a mother who had sadly experienced a still birth and desired to honor her child by planting a tree.

Yesterday we planted the tree. So happy you sent me this contact, so thank you❤ And you should know that I referred other women too.

All who have experienced the loss of a child are most welcome to plant a tree in the Gardens of Life or ask our prayer hostess, Laurel, to plant in your proxy. Laurel will send you photos and a lovely certificate to honor your child.

Find Healing

Plant a tree and find healing after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, abortion or SIDS - and find comfort, closure, and restoration.

New! Be'ad Chaim Baby Calendar - 2024-2025 product shot
New! Be'ad Chaim Baby Calendar - 2024-2025

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

Provide Clothing

Provide women with clothing and certain baby items for a full year. Help lessen the financial pressure of buying it all on their own.