How Be’ad Chaim cares for mother and child
Interview by Ernst Boogert with Sandy Shoshani
We believe that a child has the right to live from the moment of conception. As an Israeli non-profit organization we deeply care about the sanctity of every life. The current war situation proves once more how valuable life is. Since the early 80s, it is our heartly desire and wish that our society understands and respects the sanctity of unborn children. Hence, we keep supporting and encouraging women that cannot embrace the life of their unborn baby yet and we also continue with everything we have to support women that are heartbroken because of abortion and trauma.
Image of God
We are created in the image of God and it is our calling to protect that. The Bible reveals to us that many children were called from their conception, including Isaiah, Jeremia, John the Baptist, and Yeshua. Especially in difficult situations around pregnancy we remind ourselves of the wonderful plan God has also for our children. We cannot intervene where God has not allowed us to intervene. However, we never tell mothers that seek help that they pursue murder, we rather try to convince them that choosing life is so much better. Why choosing death over life if God has given life?
The pain of abortion
Nobody ever talks about the consequences and pain of abortion. The ‘problem’ is solved and we move on with our lives with the relief of not having a child coming. However, this is not how it works. We know that the mother is going to suffer and grieve afterwards. Sometimes straight after, sometimes when they get pregnant again, but the pain and loss is there. It is just unbelievable that in our Israeli society we on the one hand valuate life so much, but on the other hand rely so easily on the illusional relief of abortion. However, we are deeply convinced that there is hope and healing for these mothers that suffer so heavily, whether during pregnancy or after abortion.
Operation Moses
For almost 20 years we provide moms with basic baby needs for the full first year. This includes a baby bed, stroller, bath tube and daily needs like diapers and wipes. The funding for this project is mostly done by sponsors from all around the world that ‘adopt’ one or more babies. In return, we provide them with a certificate with the baby’s name, birth date, and updates about the well-being of baby and mom for prayer. This way we have helped about 6000 babies. Currently, we serve nearly 600 babies and 130 pregnant mothers.
The war has a huge impact on our activities. First of all, thousands of families from the north and south have been displaced to hotels across the country. In the beginning of the war we handed out about 1200 gift cards to families with a baby to supply in their daily needs. Up till today, we are still helping about 100 mothers with their baby that couldn’t go home and are still living in hotels.
Next to that we have the general problem of brokenheartedness and trauma. People got deeply wounded because of the war and many of our clients that are already emotionally weak consider abortion because of the depressing situation.
On the other hand we see the very powerful thing happening that couples decide to have more children regardless of the war situation. Babies are proudly named after fallen soldiers or hostages. We weep and return to joy. We sow in sorrow, but we know that we will rejoice after (Psalm 126).
Teenage mothers
Although the group of teenagers is relatively small among our clients (about 9%), we notice many things that deeply worry us. We need to speak more with them about the meaning of sex and ways of protecting themselves. We have to educate them that we are not like the world. Teenagers are too young to think about the consequences and responsibilities of having a child.
When teenagers get pregnant, we always try to involve the grandmother. Usually, they are the critical factor in raising a child successfully, but sadly they are many times also the ones who enforce the abortion. Almost all teenagers that go for abortion become heartbroken and full of regret afterwards, because they naturally want to keep the baby.
Shame is also a very big factor among teenage mothers. What will the rabbi, community, or church say? Girls serving in the army have to quit service when they get pregnant. It is a big shame in Israeli society not to fulfill your military duty like all the others have to. Abortion seems to be the way to prevent these shameful situations, but the pain and regret afterwards is even worse.
Message from the heart
If you are pregnant, you are already a mother. Be assured that there is always help. There is always people that care about you and about your child, also in The Netherlands. And if you are heart-broken because of your decisions and trauma from the past, it is not too late. In Yeshua we have an open door to find redemption and healing. Everything is redeemable and reversible, that is the faith we received in Yeshua the Son of God.