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October 2024 Newsletter

Oct 01, 2024 • By Sandy Shoshani

" one person you may be the world."

This year, as you know, has been extremely challenging. The war, which began a year ago on October 7th, has caused sadness and grief in our nation. Yet, when we have been hard pressed, we pressed into the Lord. When we saw pain, we have reached out in love. Recently, we held a special floral arrangement seminar for our Jerusalem mothers. I observed the “mess” of flower stems and leaves on the table and saw the transformation into gorgeous floral arrangements. I was reminded that God desires to take the “mess” of our lives and transform it into great beauty. Nearly daily we see that an unwanted pregnancy, what seems like a terrible “mess” to a frightened mother, becomes the most exquisite child and a whole world of joy for the new mother. Many years ago, I was given a poster that said: “To the world, you may be just one person, but to one person, you may be the world.”

In this newsletter, I share our annual report so that you can see how God has enabled us to press deeper into Him and reach out to others, opening our hands in love to those in pain. Thank you for extending hands of mercy to new mothers.

In His Hands,


Babies Helped through our Operation Moses Project

Our Operation Moses Project provides new mothers with basic baby needs for a full year, including bed, stroller, bath tub, bedding and monthly gift cards (approximately $100 value) to purchase necessary provisions, such as diapers, wipes and formula. The funding for this project comes from sponsors around the world. Baby sponsors receive a certificate with the baby’s name and birth date, and updates about the baby and mom for prayer. Since beginning the project in 2006, nearly five thousand babies have finished the project. Nationwide, we are currently serving over five hundred babies born this year and over 100 pregnant moms. The current war has forced hundreds of thousands of Israelis to evacuate their homes. As a result, in addition to the mothers who turned to us in crisis pregnancy, we have provided more than five thousand gift cards to new mothers forced to live in hotels for months on end. This assistance was in conjunction with municipalities, the welfare department and hotel management. We give God all the glory for providing the funds to support over a thousand new babies for many months.

Additional Assistance to Evacuees

In addition to gift cards, God’s love was shown to needy new mothers through the provision of nearly a thousand packages of baby wipes and diapers. The evacuated mothers received clothing, toys, baby food, strollers, car seats, heaters, playmats and whatever we could give them to show mercy and care. His Grace, given freely to us, was extended to others.

Workshops and Seminars

Throughout the year, we offered seminars to encourage and support mothers, primarily in Jerusalem and Beer Sheva, on various topics such as nutrition, how to overcome trauma, victory after abuse, forgiveness and other topics that build up their souls. In Jerusalem, two 10-week training series on positive child rearing were offered to African refugee mothers.

The Gardens of Life

The Gardens, located in Latrun, continue to gain reputation as a place of remembrance and honor for babies who passed away either from abortion, miscarriage or still birth. It is a peaceful place where the prayer hostess warmly welcomes people to plant a tree in memory of their baby. There, many find comfort, solace and closure. This year, over a hundred trees were planted, primarily by local Israelis who wanted to find healing after their loss. In addition to the Gardens, we continue to offer private counseling to women who have suffered the loss of a baby. Write our office if you would like our prayer hostess to plant a tree in memory of your baby.

Our Centers

Be’ad Chaim has 11 locations and 15 counselors nationally. Nearly 3,000 women contacted us this year and 1,130 women were in touch with their local counselor. Most women find us through a search on the internet and reach our hotline. Others are referred by social workers, other mothers who received help or by family and friends. You can see on this chart the percent of women serviced in the various cities.

How many women had been abortion-minded when they phoned?

As you can see from this chart, nearly 40% of the women who contacted us were looking for an abortion and another 25% were considering abortion. They contact us because our advertising offers help to any woman in crisis pregnancy.

How many women chose life after meeting with their counselor?

We are grateful to God for every woman who calls us and gives us an opportunity to pray for her, counsel her, offer her support and inject her with the hope that she needs to choose life for her child. At first contact, 65% of the women considered abortion as the best option. After speaking with the local counselor, only 25% of these chose to abort.

Demographics of the Women

As expected, the majority of the women were between ages 21 and 35. The argument of pro-abortionists that abortions are done primarily by teens is not legitimate. Surprisingly, nearly half of the women are married or have a partner. Government statistics also indicate that nearly half of the abortions are done by married couples. Approximately three quarters of the women are Jewish, coming from secular, traditional and religious families.

Social Media

This year, we focused our advertising on social media. Thanks to all who are one of our 80,000 friends on Facebook in English! Our Hebrew pages are growing, particularly on Instagram, which began this year and now has over 1,200 new followers. We continue to increase our Google advertising to keep ourselves at the top of a Google search so that every woman in crisis will find our help and choose life for her baby. In Tiberias, thanks to the local congregation, there is a large billboard downtown advertising our help.

Our 2023 Budget

We are deeply grateful to our generous donors who enabled us to provide abundant help to over a thousand new mothers. This year, 84.27% of our budget was spent directly on projects supporting the new mothers:

Income: $2,459,745

Program Expenses: $2,073,042

Help for mothers: 84.27%

Prayer is the Foundation of our work!

From the onset of Be’ad Chaim, weekly prayer was established as the basis of our service to mothers. At the beginning of each week, counselors are asked to share their very specific prayer requests for women in crisis. Here in Israel, there are weekly prayer meetings in Jerusalem, Be’er Sheva, Haifa, Tiberias, Tel Aviv and Eilat. Every Monday, the prayer letters are sent out to over one thousand locations around the world. We welcome you to join our prayer team and receive your prayer letter by email: In addition to the weekly prayer letters, our monthly newsletters are sent to over three thousand people so that it’s easy to stay in touch.

Find Healing

Plant a tree and find healing after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, abortion or SIDS - and find comfort, closure, and restoration.

New! Be'ad Chaim Baby Calendar - 2024-2025 product shot
New! Be'ad Chaim Baby Calendar - 2024-2025

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

Provide Clothing

Provide women with clothing and certain baby items for a full year. Help lessen the financial pressure of buying it all on their own.