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November 2021 Newsletter

Nov 01, 2021 • By Sandy Shoshani

Dear Friends,

In our effort to speak for the unborn children who cannot speak for themselves, we continue to use media to create public dialogue about the value of their lives. During the Feast of Tabernacles (Succoth), for ten days, we had a giant wall billboard on the highway between Tel Aviv and Jerusalem. Millions saw the billboard and thousands responded, including the media, both positively and negatively. We have contracted to do another billboard in mid-November. Here you can see the billboard which says: “It is not just a fetus. It is Nofar." (a girl’s name. The two sentences rhyme in Hebrew). We also continue our advertising on the sides and backs of hundreds of buses and continue to increase our Google and Facebook exposure. We are in the process of creating some very savvy prolife clips for YouTube. 106,000 fliers were placed in mailboxes in the city of Haifa. We have sent a request to the Minister of Health to allow us to petition the Supreme Court to stop abortion at 24 weeks, the point of viability. For the love of God, the love of Israel and the sake of the babies, we will not be silent.

“For Zion’s sake I will not keep silent,

for Jerusalem’s sake I will not remain quiet,

till her vindication shines out like the dawn,

her salvation like a blazing torch.”

(Isaiah 62:1).

Thank you for standing with us in the gap for the unborn.


Thanks from a grateful new mom:

“My name is Avigail. I’m 18 years old and the mother of a terrific 13 month old named Daniel. The last two years have been very challenging for me. I discovered that I was pregnant when in the 11th grade. I had a lot of thoughts and doubts. Today, I am so happy that I chose LIFE! My son has brought so much happiness and meaning into my life. I am deeply grateful for your help and support during this journey. It has meant a lot to me and Daniel.

Again and again, THANKS!”

Fliers in Haifa mailboxes:

Here is a response to our flier campaign in Haifa:

“I am not a “right-to-lifer” or a politician, but I know what it means to have an unplanned pregnancy and no support. If a woman chooses to be brave and have her child, she should get all of the support she needs. Yeah, I heard how I would ruin my life, what a bad mother I would be and how selfish I was to give birth to, and raise, my baby. It was a confusing time, but I wanted to have my baby. And that I did. Somehow it all worked out. I “chose” not to terminate my pregnancy even though I was pressured to do so. ❤️ He is 33 years old now and the greatest blessing of my life. My son has a Master’s degree and has finished law school. I have no regrets. It was also one of the hardest undertakings of my life because no one helped me. I had to scrounge for diapers, formula and clothing. Many times I did not eat, but my son always did. I am writing to you because I found your flyer in my mailbox. I don’t have a lot of money, but if you have a woman who is pregnant and doesn’t have food or a place to be and wants to have her baby, I can and will help.“

Successful Foster Care:

Helen, our counselor in Netanya had been deeply concerned about baby Lea, whose mother was unable to properly care for her. She shared this touching message:

“I just have to share this with you. This is the baby who is in a wonderful foster family who loves her soooo much; seeing her so happy reasures me that it was exactly the right decision. Her mother gets a weekly visit and she is fine with that. Baby Lea has been saved from so much trauma. Thank God.”

Phone call from Hallelujah, Roberta’s client:

We helped her in 2011 and in 2016 and she can't forget our help

“If it weren’t for Roberta, I would have aborted. If it weren’t for her, I wouldn’t be alive today. I was self-destructive, in debt and all I could see was blackness. If I had aborted, I would have committed suicide. This child gave me new life. Be’ad Chaim didn’t only save my baby, they saved me. Today, I’m a happy person. I’ve paid off all of my debts. I buy my children what they need. When they are bigger and I’m financially well off, I’ll give back to Be’ad Chaim.

I work at Osem (a food producer). They are so kind to me and let me have easy, flexible hours. I’ve been there for four years and they’re like family to me. Six months ago, I opened a catering business, cooking Ethiopian food. I studied cooking six years ago because I knew that I couldn’t remain in a state of poverty, earning only minimum wage all my life. I wanted to work at something I love. I asked my mom to work with me. Tomorrow, I will be catering a wedding event for 600 people. I opened a kitchen in my storage room. Sometimes people ask me how I managed life single and pregnant. Roberta took me home to live with her. I was hormonal and drinking. Roberta put up with me. One of my friends told me to abort and even offered to pay for it. Roberta begged me to keep Adam. He’s ten years old now and I’m so happy. Whoever sees my children can only say, “wow”. These boys are alive because of Be’ad Chaim. They have the same Spirit as Roberta and you at Be’ad Chaim - a spirit of peace, respect for others and a desire to help. I have been raised from the dead thanks to Be’ad Chaim."

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

Nur and baby boy Hamza

Nur is a smart and sensitive young woman. She is 27 years old and has been divorced twice already. She comes from an Arab Muslim community. One of her children has special needs and requires a lot of attention. Her other two lovely daughters help her with the chores at home. When Nur found out she was pregnant, she considered abortion. Her situation is very much frowned upon in the Arab community and she feared she would be rejected, but her own family was very patient and thankfully accepted her.

This is a letter she wrote to her counselor Roberta, the Be’ad Chaim staff, and her generous donors:

“In life, we ​​all go through difficult moments of weakness, helplessness, fear, and worries about the future! I had a lot of questions!! Why me, God? Why me now at this difficult time!? I was very scared and did not know what to do with the thing that was growing in my stomach without anyone knowing!! I thought a lot, and there was a terrible war between a loving heart of a mother and a mind that thinks about the harsh reality, the damaged relationship, the children who suffer, and all the expenses and debts with the bank!!! With tears, I made a decision. I looked at Instagram to pass the time, and then I saw the post “You are not alone!” It was then that I turned to the Be’ad Chaim organization and counselor Roberta helped me through my pregnancy, although I had thought when I made contact that they would help me with an abortion!

Roberta fell in love with my unborn baby and fought over him as if he were hers without even seeing him. He was so small in my stomach, and Roberta never referred to his sex, race, religion, color, origin, or anything of the sort, but only to the one who is human. Roberta supported, listened, and helped a lot, emotionally and financially. With a lot of goodwill from her, I was able to pull myself together and be a good mother to my baby. I was able to keep him and grow him in my stomach for months and months, and when I was heavy and weak, I called Roberta and told her. She never hesitated with her honesty and also gave me a push forward! I felt that someone cared about me and my baby, that there were other people besides me waiting for him here in the world and they loved him, too. I was surprised when they helped my baby with a beautiful birth package of a bed, mattress, bath, and a beautiful red stroller. I was very happy, from the depths of my heart.❤ Thank you, Be’ad Chaim. Because of you, I have Hamza in my arms, full of love. Thank you, and thank you, dear Roberta, who made it easy for me to continue the pregnancy with confidence, joy, and peace. Thank you to the donors who helped me wholeheartedly. May God give you all health and much love and happiness from heaven. Both baby Hamza and I thank you. He is growing strong and is feeding well. He smiles and is happy and we look forward to good and happy days ahead. 🙏״

Thank you for caring!

Behati is a refugee from Ethiopia referred to us by a social worker because of her many needs. Beautiful Eden is her third child. Deeply grateful for someone truly caring about her, she sent our Eilat counselor a voice message:

“Thank you so much, Stella. You helped us so much and I thank you with all my heart. You are such a kind woman and have a listening ear. I want to keep in touch with you even though the year of receiving gift cards has ended. I love you.“

Baby Faniel needs prayer

Zenebe is an Eritrean refugee and mother of two children. She lives with her family in a small apartment in Jerusalem. Her husband works at a local supermarket, and she stays home with the children. Her husband earns a minimum wage, and more than half of it goes to pay their rent. When Zenebe found out she was pregnant again she was shocked – even more so when she was told she was expecting twins. She was desperate and looked for some help. The encouragement from our counselor and the promise of baby items through our Operation Moses project gave her the confidence to continue her pregnancy. In August, in her 32nd week of pregnancy, she was rushed to the hospital and gave birth to the twins. Sadly, though, one of the boys did not survive. They named the baby who survived Faniel. He was very small and had to receive special medication for his lungs. Thankfully he has now gained some weight and is able to breathe on his own. Zenebe herself is doing well but she is very focused on Faniel and getting him better. He is still in the hospital and she does not know exactly when she will be able to take him home. The language barrier makes it hard for her to understand what the doctors are saying. Zenebe was very sad to have lost one of her babies but is so thankful for little Faniel and that he is getting stronger every day. Your prayers for Zenebe to be comforted and strong, and for her new son Faniel to develop well with healthy lungs are coveted. May the blessing of the Lord be on them.

Reproductive loss counseling

Our counseling, which includes help for women who have experienced a stillbirth, has begun to use art therapy as a technique for them to find healing and closure. This touching image was created from pieces of a letter written by a grieving mother. Our counselor encouraged the mother to write her feelings about the stillbirth. As quiet music played in the background, she was instructed to cut the letter into pieces and gently glue them on to her drawing of a bird. The bird symbolically carries away the pain and sadness. The mother was very encouraged as was the counselor to see how art therapy can bring relief. The woman shared that art helped her to process her loss experience and to free herself from some of the anger and questions which have no answers. She was able to slowly release negative thoughts and to realize that even when things seem so dark, there is life and light at the end of the tunnel. We thank God that we are able to offer healing to those who are hurting.

Find Healing

Plant a tree and find healing after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, abortion or SIDS - and find comfort, closure, and restoration.

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

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