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Meir- Shira

Oct 17, 2019 • By Be'ad Chaim

Meir is now just 1 year old. He is an alert and very active child, always getting into things now that he has taught himself to take a few steps. He has been able to stand alone for about a month already, so doing that has built his self-confidence. He weighs about 10 kg and is a little tall for his age, particularly considering how petite his mom is. He can say a couple of simple words and can imitate sounds he hears. He also plays a simple hand clap game. His 4 teeth (2 on the top and 2 on the bottom) enable him to bite into foods, and you can tell by looking at him that he has a good appetite. 

Shira and her partner (who decided in the end to keep in touch) decided to marry when their son was 8 months old, mainly because he (the father) needed a place to stay and this way Shira had a father for her child. He is actually in and out of her life, and their relationship is not stable. Still, Shira is managing on her own with his occasional assistance with rent. Meir is in daycare, which is another expense, so that she could go back to work cleaning apartments. Shira is very thankful for the help received this year. Looking back to her days on the street and seeing how far she has come, you, her donor, can be assured that she has taken a hold of her life and is slowly getting it in order, thanks to your assistance. She has learned to take responsibility for herself and for another life. Meir has gotten the best possible start on his life, considering what could have been.