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January 2022 Newsletter

Jan 01, 2022 • By Sandy Shoshani

Dear Friend,

We give thanks to God for a very special 2021 during which we were able to help nearly 600 women with their pregnancies and new babies. It’s a blessing to share with you the privilege of protecting the lives of precious mothers and their children.

I am reminded of the great joy with which Mary, the mother of Jesus, sang during her visit to her cousin Elizabeth: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for He has been mindful of the humble state of His servant. From now on all generations will call me blessed, for the Mighty One has done great things for me — holy is His name.” (Luke 1) No other child will be the King of Kings, yet every child, no matter what his circumstances, has the potential to be a ‘king’- a person of value, a person who can fulfill his God-given destiny. I’d like you to ‘meet’ a sampling of the babies born to our Be’ad Chaim family.

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

Tirza and baby boy Matanel

When Tirza discovered her pregnancy with Matanel, she already had five children, her husband was in prison, and their financial situation was quite dire. She considered abortion but her conscience was troubled with the thought. She is absolutely delighted that she chose life for this precious, handsome son who looks like a king! Matanel brings much joy to his siblings and his parents. His father is home again now and is trying to find work. Tirza is deeply grateful to God for all of the goodness in her life, despite her trials, and loves to hear about His love for her.

Dorit and baby boy Denis

Denis just celebrated his first birthday. His mom, Dorit, is only 21 but is very mature and says that being a mom gives her more joy than she ever expected. She’s raising Denis on her own and living with her sister. Our counselor visits her and has brought her adorable baby clothes for him. Dorit is genuinely surprised by how much happiness her son has brought to her life.

Counselor Re-training Day:

On November 29th, our counselors met together in the Jerusalem office to refresh their counseling skills, and to encourage and pray for one another. These bi-annual seminar days are vital because our team lives all over the country and finds new strength when we come together. We also pray together on zoom twice a month, but the face-to-face meetings are very important. During the recent seminar, we discussed how to do a more in-depth intake of new clients. One of our challenges as a team is to keep up-to-date records of our clients, which can be easily accessed and evaluated, to meet our growing needs. We continue to increase our staff and to add new counselors as the number of women whom we serve grows. Counselors in each city received a tablet with videos that explain the various abortion methods and show the stages of fetal development. We believe that women deserve to KNOW THE FACTS before they make a decision about abortion. Education is vital to making correct choices. We thank God for an excellent, unified, caring team.

Miki and baby boy Elroi

During high school, Miki studied early childhood education and worked as a helper in a preschool. So when she discovered that she was pregnant while still a student, she was excited, yet terrified that her partner would want her to abort. To her surprise and relief, he chose to stand by her and support her. Baby Elroi was born in November. Her partner was with her at the birth and cried for joy when he saw his son. His name, El- Roi, is based on Genesis 16:13: “You are the God who sees me”.

Miki, only 19 years old, says it’s hard work taking care of a new baby, but he’s a gorgeous little guy who looks just like her! Miki, Elroi and dad live with his parents for now. They are deeply grateful for the help that they’ve received through our Operation Moses project that provided them with a bed, stroller, bathtub, and bedsheets just prior to the birth, and now the monthly gift cards to purchase baby necessities for Elroi’s first year.

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

Rina and baby girl Arsema

Rina and her husband are asylum seekers from Eritrea. They perilously crossed from Sinai into Israel, having been previously arrested in Egypt some 11 years ago. They now have five children and live with her husband's cousin who is disabled. Rina's husband works full-time as a cleaner. When she became pregnant with Arsema, their fourth baby was only a few months old. In a panic, she wanted to abort but her husband, because of their belief that God is the Author of life, would not hear of it. Their social worker contacted us for help. Baby Arsema was born in November. Her name means ‘courage, beauty and sacrifice’ and is the name of one of the early martyrs of the Church. Be’ad Chaim supplied this precious family with all that they needed for their growing family including a twin stroller for both of their little ones.

Yana and baby girl Ariana

Absolutly adorable Ariana turned one in October. Her mom, Yana, turned to us for help when she discovered the pregnancy because her husband had no employment, only she was working, and they knew that they couldn’t afford a baby. Thanks be to God, her husband has found a good job which enables her to stay home with cute Ariana. We have an expression in Hebrew - “cute enough to eat”. That’s what one could say about Ariana! Yana and her husband are very grateful that Be’ad Chaim supported them while they struggled financially.

Baby boy Abdoulla needs your prayers!

Precious baby Abdoulla needs your prayers. Only a month after his birth, in September 2020, it was discovered that he has cancer. Since then, he has been receiving cancer treatments and spending much of his time in the hospital. His parents are happily married, but his mother Hila, gave birth to Abdoulla, her FIFTH CHILD, when she was only 21 years old. We are extending our help to this special family for an additional year to allow them a bit more financial freedom as they travel back and forth from the southern city of Beer Sheba to Tel Aviv for medical treatment. Thank you so much for your prayers.

Our third billboard on the Tel Aviv - Jerusalem highway:

I was hesitant to put up another billboard on the highway because of costs, so I prayed for God’s wisdom. The next morning, the headlines in all of our papers proclaimed: “Minister of Health will make getting an abortion easier.” My daily reading was from Isaiah chapter 40:

“You, who bring good news to Zion, go up on a high mountain. You who bring good news to Jerusalem, lift up your voice with a shout, lift it up, don’t be afraid. Say to the towns of Judah, “Here is your God!”” It was as if God’s Word said to ‘lift up a clear voice’ through a billboard. Our billboard says: “You have a beating heart inside your tummy. You don’t have to stop it.” We expected and received numerous negative responses which showed us that we ‘touched a nerve’.

One young man, stuck in traffic and facing the billboard, phoned to argue with our hotline counselor but was finally persuaded that the unborn deserve life. There were also some positive responses on our Facebook page: “I don’t know what the big deal is. There is a place to give help to women and teens in unwanted pregnancies who aren’t 100% sure about an abortion. Give them other options. Abortion is not always the solution. It’s not easy to have one. What is the big deal about these ads?” Another response: “This is accomplishing what it should. It makes you stop and think. I was even saddened for a second.” We WILL continue to lift our voices – without fear – for the sake of the innocent babies who deserve life.

BUS ADVERTISING continues to bring new hope:

People who call our hotline after seeing our full-side ad on buses nationwide often share their feelings. One person called to say: “Thank you for providing support without judging or making people feel guilty." Someone else called for counseling after losing her baby. A 23 year old new mom with a three month old infant saw the ad on a bus in Beer Sheba and called for help when she found that she was pregnant again. Stressed because of finances, she and her husband considered abortion. After taking their circumstances into account, Be’ad Chaim offered to help with baby items for the three month old, and continue our support for the first year of the new baby’s life through our Operation Moses program. We are thankful that the bus ads are saving lives!

“You don’t need to abort. Counseling and support for women in unplanned pregnancies and after abortion.”

Gardens of Life

The Gardens are a Godsend for many people from around the world. I am sharing here a short summary of the December blessings from our prayer hostess:

-A woman in Italy requested the planting of a fruit tree in honor of a miscarried child who would have been her older sister. She will present the certificate to her mother in Peru at Christmas.

-Ten cypress trees were planted for several elderly believers now living in an assisted care facility in northern Israel, who had aborted children when they were younger and living in Russia.

-A cypress tree was planted for a woman in the US whose baby died in the womb at 13 weeks.

-After completing a reproductive loss healing course, a woman from the Tel Aviv area came with her husband and children to plant a tree on the second anniversary of their third child's silent birth.

-A tree was planted in honor and in appreciation of the pro-life commitment of a 50 year-old British father of five who recently passed away.

All are welcome to contact our office to plant a tree on your behalf or, if you are in Israel, to plant a tree with your own hands in memory of a baby who is in heaven. All who plant will receive a beautiful certificate.

Request to petition the Supreme Court to limit abortions

We have approached the Minister of Health several times with requests to make an appeal to the Supreme Court. Our most recent letter to him makes several basic requests:

-Reconsideration of the status of the abortion of fetuses from the 24th week of pregnancy, when the fetus is considered to be viable, which can be called “the murder of a living fetus”.

-Status of the husband/ father of the fetus regarding abortion decisions.

-The most recent decisions regarding abortion were made 40 years ago. Since then, there have been revolutionary changes in the study of the pre-born, demanding reconsideration of abortion regulations.

Friends, we deeply value your prayers as we attempt to curb the tide of government-funded and late-term abortions. Abortion is currently legal until birth.

Find Healing

Plant a tree and find healing after the loss of a baby through miscarriage, abortion or SIDS - and find comfort, closure, and restoration.

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.