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August 2024 Newsletter

Aug 01, 2024 • By Sandy Shoshani

When women turn to us for help in crisis pregnancy, the obvious immediate need is to provide them with the courage and practical ability to choose life for their child. Beyond the practical need, however, women have a greater need to find new hope, to know that they are loved and valued human beings. This month, therapists Andrew and Paulette Ainsworth offered counseling sessions on trauma therapy to our mothers and staff. Meetings for moms were held in Jerusalem and Beer Sheva. Our staff met for our biannual in-person meeting for training in Tel Aviv. The meetings addressed the women’s greatest needs for healing from suffering and presented channels for freedom. This newsletter, as with our ministry, focuses on ministering love to broken hearts. “To provide for those who grieve in Zion—to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning” (Isaiah 61).

With deep gratitude for your participation in our ministry of comfort,


Heartfelt responses of women to the seminars:

My father died when I was thirteen. I couldn’t understand why my mother cried all the time and I had to live with my grandmother. You’ve helped me to understand.”

“What you are sharing today sounds exactly like my story.”

“My father died shortly after he found out that I was pregnant and not yet married. At first I felt that he died because of the baby, but I now realize that this baby was a final gift from my father who told me to take good care of him.”

“I couldn’t sit quietly, I’m so easily distracted, but it was so important for me to hear all of the things that were said.”

“My mother told me all lies. I only knew abuse, so I chose it again in my husband. Being apart from him has opened my eyes.”

“I was always the ‘black sheep’ in the family, but I chose not to let them control me.”

“My family said that I was worthless, but I don’t believe that lie anymore.”

“Talk about your pain. Take it out of your heart. What do you care what other people say? It’s healing to share.”


Our counselor in Ashkelon, Yael, noticed a huge billboard showing Alex, one of the hostages who had lived in her city. Yael looked on the internet to find out who he was. She heard his young wife, Michal, speaking about her husband who was taken to Gaza on 7th October, leaving her with a small son and pregnant with their next baby. Yael's heart went out to this brave young woman, so Yael arranged a visit with her. Alex had been working as a bar manager at the Nova party when the attack took place. Michal has not received any information about Alex since then. She has been part of the media war to try to get her husband back. She gave up her job and moved back to her parents’ house, leaving behind an apartment and bills. She hoped and prayed that her husband Alex would be released and able to be with her for the birth and see their new baby. However, this didn’t happen. In February, Michal gave birth to baby Kai. Her baby has given her a lot of strength to carry on. Michal writes,

“I want to say a huge Thank You to Be’ad Chaim and the donors. You came at just the right time and understood my situation. You made me feel loved and important by praying for me and the children, and for the return of my husband. You are different than others, and whenever I see a call from your counselor or a text, I respond immediately because you made me feel something different and I can be open and honest about my struggles, and never feel uncomfortable.”

Thank you for your prayers for Alex’s safety and swift return home, for Michal, and for their two sons.


Donna, twenty-one years old, was in a relationship with a man whom she loved. Everything seemed perfect. Then, one day she found out that the guy she was dating was married! Her heart was broken. Donna distanced herself from him, yet was soon shocked to discover that she was pregnant by him. She felt scared, desperate, and alone. She is not in contact with family, because if they find out that she’s pregnant, her life would be in danger. She searched for an abortion but found our help instead. After her conversation with the counselor, she realized that this pregnancy would bring her changes that were blessings and not curses. During her pregnancy, Donna would come to receive our help with food baskets and everything that we could give her. She rented an apartment, and the social worker visited her every week to encourage and help her. On the first day of spring in March, Donna gave birth to her daughter Rina, whom she says brought her great joy and blessing! She has a place to live, a place to sleep, and food to eat.

"Rina smiles in her sleep and I just melt, how did I even think about having an abortion when I have this perfect baby, my greatest gift.”


Fiori is thirty-two years old and has become dear to our team as a widowed refugee. Last year her husband suddenly and unexpectedly died of a heart attack at work. She was left alone with four children, and pregnant. She felt lost and hopeless. Only her faith in God kept her from a mental breakdown. Fiori is not an Israeli citizen, so she doesn’t qualify for any government benefits. Fiori has friends who supported and helped her, but it was a pittance compared to her and her children's needs. Thankfully, she contacted us for help, and we enrolled her in our Operation Moses Project, providing a baby bed with sheets and bumpers, a stroller and a bath. We also gave her baby clothes and the promise of monthly vouchers for the first year to cover the cost of diapers, formula and other baby products. Because of her very difficult situation, we have helped pay her rent, and generous donors have given additional gifts. At the beginning of her relationship with our wonderful counselor, Fiori was sad, but as she received support and encouragement from us, she was able to smile a little and be happy. During the pregnancy she was very worried about her financial situation but our assistance gave her some relief. Her son, Milan, was born in March. Her children were happy to welcome their new baby brother into their home. Her oldest son was very excited that he finally has a brother and he is not the only son among his sisters. He chose the name Milan. Fiori says that Milan's birth helped to fill the void that her husband left with his passing, but at the same time his absence was emphasized even more. As time goes by, the children miss their father more. Fiori remembers him often and wishes things were different. She would like her late husband to see the new baby because she misses sharing the exciting moments with him as well as the moments of crisis.

Fiori says that she could never have imagined receiving such an amazing amount of help. She is grateful to God and to us and says we saved her from drowning in her troubles. She says that what Be’ad Chaim does is obedience to verses from the Bible, and she prays that God blesses all who have helped her.

"I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me." Matthew 25:31-40

Support Group for Refugees from Ethiopia and Eritrea:

We recently completed our second three-month support group for refugees in Jerusalem. The goal of the group was to give tools, guidance and encouragement to women living in a foreign culture and foreign language. Often, the children of these women acquire the language much more quickly than their mothers. Also, children may learn behaviors and customs that are different than their native cultures. The moms need to be equipped in order to be effective mothers in this difficult situation. To thank us for enabling this group, the mothers made a delicious feast for our staff.


One of our staff does volunteer work in the rehabilitation department of a Tel Aviv hospital where wounded soldiers are receiving treatment. She passed on this letter of request for help:

“Hi my name is Sahar Alexander, I’m thirty-seven years old and father to one-year-old Dean and soon to be father to our new baby girl.

On January 14th I was injured from a missile attack where I was on the verge of death. After getting a metallic skull, nerve transplant, intestines being removed and many other surgeries, I am miraculously able to say today that I am alive. My wife, Sharon, is due to give birth in October to a baby girl. Unfortunately, because of my arm being paralyzed, she will need to take care of carrying our children. We would be grateful for help to purchase a double stroller for our children.”

Last week, our counselor spoke to Sahar's wife, Sharon, and put her in our Operation Moses Project. Sharon is a pediatrician. She made Aliyah alone from Canada to study in Israel, met Sahar, and they married. Since Sahar’s injury, she has worked very little and is only now beginning to do a few hours. He is now released from the hospital but has a long road of rehabilitation ahead of him. They found out about the pregnancy a week before Sahar got injured. We deeply value your prayers for Sahar’s recovery and grace for Sharon during the pregnancy and birth.


Much the international media pays little attention to the thousands of Israelis who are still evacuated from their homes without any suggested date of return. Be’ad Chaim continues to supply hundreds of gift cards monthly to those living in hotels. Our hearts go out to these people, some with seven children living in five hotel rooms. They yearn to go home and cook their own meals. They have now registered their children for the new school year in the cities where they are living in the hotels.

Here is a chart from All Israel News showing current statistics on the conflict with Hezbollah in the north. Around 80,000 residents from northern Israel were forced to evacuate their homes, and about 60,000 are still living in hotels. For nine months, Hezbollah has been bombing their homes.


Our gorgeous 16 month calendar (September 2024-December 2025) is now ready and can be ordered for only $15.

The calendar features precious new babies born in the Negev Southern region of Israel this past year and includes verses of encouragement and hope.

New! Be'ad Chaim Baby Calendar - 2024-2025 product shot
New! Be'ad Chaim Baby Calendar - 2024-2025

Sponsor a Life

Become a sponsor and help a mother choose LIFE by providing her with essential items her baby will need for their first year of life.

Provide Clothing

Provide women with clothing and certain baby items for a full year. Help lessen the financial pressure of buying it all on their own.